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Society Values

A brief study in typography

For this section, a focus group of students has been created and done to receive input regarding how others view society. The reasons for having a focus group was that it allowed us to broaden our own opinions and thoughts. The questions were as followed.


1) What is a society?

2) What are the three biggest issues facing society today?

3) What are the 3 main values that society should hold?

4) What factors contribute to a 'broken society'?

5) Name some influential people who influence society today

6) What are the dangers in today's society?

7) Any other comments on society?


Just a few of the responses from the focus group done.

Next, the studio photos were taken.


The middle picture was taken and used for this experimentation.


This was the final outcome of this study. It was made from simply overlaying a solid shade of colour onto the portrait and accompanying it with a simple font paired with a response from the focus group. The colour yellow was chosen because yellow is used to represent a majority of positive things and adjectives. The response used highlights the positive side of society. Togetherness, community and social responsibility. Therefore by using the colour yellow, it helps give a more positive and impact on the words shown in the portrait. The reason for using this picture of the model and not the others was because of the way the model poses. She looks up with her body facing the other way. Implying hope and a challenge that she will have to face, just like how society challenges us every day. It's the expression of hope and looking into the future that works well with the response and overall message of this experiment.

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